
Key Publications


1. Liakath-Ali K*, Refaee R# and Südhof TC*. Cartography of Teneurin and Latrophilin Expression Reveals Spatiotemporal Axis Heterogeneity in the Hippocampus.

PLoS Biology. 2024 May 7;22(5):e3002599 #Undergraduate student, *Corresponding authors.

2. Liakath-Ali K*, Polepalli JS*, Lee S, Cloutier J and Südhof TC. Transsynaptic cerebellin 4-neogenin 1 signaling mediates LTP in the mouse dentate gyrus

PNAS. 2022 May 17;119(20): e2123421119. *Equal contribution.

Commentary: Unique transsynaptic complexes enable long-term synaptic plasticity in a synapse-specific manner. Pablo E Castillo. PNAS 2022 Jul 5;119(27): e2206429119.

3. Saba J*. Liakath-Ali K*, Green R and Watt FM. Translational control of stem cell function. Review.

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 22, 671–690 (2021). *Equal contribution.

4. Liakath-Ali K* & Sudhof TC*. The perils of navigating activity-dependent alternative splicing of neurexins.

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 09 March 2021. *Corresponding authors.

5. Dai J, Patzke C, Liakath-Ali K, Seigneur EM and Südhof TC. GluD1 is a signal transduction device disguised as an ionotropic receptor.

Nature. 595, 261–265 (2021)

6. Liakath-Ali K, Mills EW, Sequeira I, Lichtenberger B, Pisco AO, Sipilä KH, Mishra A, Yoshikawa H, Wu CC, Ly T, Lamond AI, Adham IM, Green R and Watt FM. An evolutionarily conserved ribosome-rescue pathway maintains epidermal homeostasis.

Nature, 2018; 556 (7701):376-380.

Highlight: Smooth translation to maintain healthy skin. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2018.

7. Liakath-Ali K, Vancollie V, Sequeira I, Lelliott C and Watt FM. Myosin 10 is involved in murine pigmentation.

Experimental Dermatology, 2018 Mar 6. doi: 10.1111/exd.13528.

8. Liakath-Ali K, Vancollie V, Lelliott C, Speak A, Lafont D, Protheroe H, Ingvorsen C, Galli A, Green A, Gleeson D, Ryder E, Glover L, Vizcay-Barrena G, Karp N, Arends M, Brenn T, Spiegel S, Adams D, Watt FM and Weyden L. Alkaline ceramidase 1 is essential for mammalian skin and whole-body energy homeostasis.

Journal of Pathology, 2016 Jul; 239(3): 374-83.

9. Liakath-Ali K, Vancollie VE, Heath E, Smedley DP, Estabel J, Sunter D, DiTommaso T, Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project, White JK, Ramirezz-Solis R, Smyth I, Steel KP and Watt FM. Novel skin phenotypes revealed by a genome-wide mouse reverse genetic screen.

Nature Communications. 2014 Apr 11; 5:3540.

10. Liakath-Ali*, Bodda C*, Agbemenyah HY, Arunachalam JP, Laccone F and Mannan AU. MeCP2270 mutant protein is expressed in astrocytes as well as in neurons and localized into the nucleus.

Cytogenetic and Genome Research; 2010; 129(4): 290-7. *Equal contribution.

Other Publications


11. Asensio A,  Sanz-Flores M, Liakath-Ali K, Palacios-García J, Paramio JM, García-Escudero R, Mayor jr F, Ribas C. The G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 (GRK2) Orchestrates Hair Follicle Homeostasis.



12. Liakath-Ali K, Soller M. Alternative splicing in brain function. (Editorial)

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 2023 Nov 23;16:1335549.

13. Anstee JE, Feehan KT, Opzoomer JW, Dean I, Muller HP, Bahri M, Cheung TS, Liakath-Ali K, Liu Z, Choy D, Caron J, Sosnowska D, Beatson R, Muliaditan T, An Z, Gillett CE, Lan G, Zou X, Watt FM, Ng T, Burchell JM, Kordasti K, Withers DR, Lawrence T and Arnold JN. LYVE-1+ macrophages form acollaborative CCR5-dependent perivascular niche that influences chemotherapy responses in cancer.

Developmental Cell. 2023 Sep 11;58(17):1548-1561.e10.


14. Dai J, Liakath-Ali K, Golf S and Südhof TC. Distinct Neurexin-Cerebellin Complexes Control AMPA- and NMDA- Receptor Responses in a Circuit-Dependent Manner.

Elife. 2022 Oct 7;11:e78649.

15. Sipilä K, Rognoni E, Jokinen J, Tewary M, Vietri-Rudan M, Talvi S, Jokinen V, Dahlström KM, Liakath- Ali K, Du X, Käpylä J, Nutt S, Salminen T, Heino J, Watt FM. Embigin is a novel fibronectin receptor that regulates sebaceous gland differentiation.

Developmental Cell. 2022 Jun 20;57(12):1453- 1465.e7.

16. Zhang X, Lin P, Liakath-Ali K and Südhof TC. Teneurins Assemble into Presynaptic Nanoclusters that Promote Synapse Formation via Postsynaptic Non-Teneurin Ligands.

Nature Communications, 2022 Apr 28;13(1):2297.

17. Liu Z, Jiang M, Liakath-Ali K, Sclip A, Ko J, Zhang RS and Südhof TC. Calsyntenin-3, an atypical cadherin, suppresses inhibitory basket- and stellate-cell synapses but boosts excitatory parallel-fiber synapses in cerebellum.

Elife, 2022 Apr 14;11:e70664. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70664.


18. Wang CY, Trotter JH, Liakath-Ali K, Lee S, Liu X and Südhof TC. Molecular Self-Avoidance in Neurexin Complexes.

Science Advances, 7, eabk1924 (2021).


19. Trotter JH, Dargaei Z, Sclip A, Essayan-Perez S, Liakath-Ali K, Raju K, Nabet A, Liu X and Südhof TC. Compartment-Specific Neurexin Nanodomains Orchestrate Tripartite Synapse Assembly.

bioRxiv 2020.08.21.262097.

20. Zhang RS, Liakath-Ali K, Südhof TC. Latrophilin-2 and Latrophilin-3 are redundantly essential for parallel-fiber synapse function in cerebellum.

Elife. 2020 Mar 23;9:e54443.

21. Verbinnen I, Jonkhout M, Liakath-Ali K, Szekér K, Ferreira M, Boens S, Rouget R, Nikolic M, Schlenner S, Van Eynde A and Bollen M. Phosphatase Regulator NIPP1 Restrains Chemokine-Driven Skin Inflammation.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2020 Aug; 140(8):1576-1588.


22. Sequeira, Neves JF, Carrero D, Palasz N, Liakath-Ali K, Morgan P, Lord G and Watt FM. Immunomodulatory role of Keratin76 in oral and gastric cancer.

Nature Communications 2018 Aug 24; 9(1):3437.


23. Donati G, Rognoni E*, Hiratsuka T*, Liakath-Ali K*, Hoste E, Kar G, Kayikci M, Russel M, Kretzschmar K, Mulder K, Teichmann S and Watt FM. Wounding induces dedifferentiation of epidermal GATA6+ cells and acquisition of stem cell properties.

Nature Cell Biology. 2017 May 15. *Equal contribution

24. Lynch M, Lynch C, Draythorne E, Liakath-Ali K, Mallipeddi R, Barker J and Watt FM. Spatialconstraints dictate a universal scaling law for mutant clone sizes in human epidermis.

Nature Communications 2017 Oct 24;8 (1): 1119.

25. Mishra A$, Oules B$, Pisco AO$, Ly T*, Liakath-Ali K*, Walko G, Viswanathan P, Tihy M, Nijjher J, Dunn SJ, Lamond AI, Watt FM. A protein phosphatase network controls the temporal and spatial dynamics of differentiation commitment in human epidermis.

Elife. 2017 Oct 18;6. $,*Equal contribution

26. Walko G, Woodhouse S, Pisco AO, Rognoni E, Liakath-Ali K, Lichtenberger B, Mishra A, Telerman SB, Viswanathan P, Logtenberg M, Renz LM, Donati G, Quist SR and Watt FM. A genome-wide screen identifies YAP/WBP2 interplay conferring growth advantage on human epidermal stem cells.

Nature Communications. 2017 Mar 23;8:14744.


27. Elkenani M, Nyamsuren G, Raju P, Liakath-Ali K, Hamdaoui A, Kata A, Dressel R, Klonisch T, Watt FM, Engel W, Thliveris JA, Pantakani DV, Adham IM.

Pelota Regulates Epidermal differentiation by Modulating BMP and PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathways.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016 Aug; 136(8):1664-1671.

28. Weber C, Telerman S, Reimer A*, Sequeira I*, Liakath-Ali K*, Arwert E and Watt FM. Macrophage infiltration and alternative activation during wound healing promote MEK1- induced skin carcinogenesis.

Cancer Research, 2016 Feb 15; 76 (4): 805-17. *Equal contribution

29. Viswanathan P, Guvendiren M, Chua W, Telerman, Liakath-Ali K, Burdick J and Watt FM. Mimicking the topography of the epidermal–dermal interface with elastomer substrates.

Integrative Biology 2016. Jan;8(1): 21-9.

2015 - 2009

30. Coelho PA, Bury L, Shahbazi MN, Liakath-Ali K, Tate PH, Wormald S… Zernicka-Goetz M and Glover DM. Over-expression of Plk4 induces centrosome amplification, loss of primary cilia and associated tissue hyperplasia in the mouse.

Open Biology, 2015 Dec; 5 (12):150209.

31. de Angelis MH,….EUMODIC Consortium…and Brown SD. Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics.

Nature Genetics. 2015 Sep; 47(9): 969-78 (EUMODIC consortium authors listed in the supplementary material)

32. White JK,…Liakath-Ali K,… Bradley A and Steel KP. Genome-wide Generation and Systematic Phenotyping of Knockout Mice Reveals New Roles for Many Genes.

Cell. 2013 Jul 18; 154 (2):452-64.

33. Arunkumar KP, Liakath-Ali K and Nagaraju J. Microsatellite markers for the Indian golden silkmoth, Antheraea assama (Satuniidae: Lepidoptera).

Molecular Ecology Resources 2009; 9, 268–270.


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